Google AdWords have now had yet another update. The interface while more appealing and easier on the eye has gone the same way of the Analytics. Only problem is now it takes about 5 times longer for me to load. I think Google have forgotten that we in South Africa just don't have the connection speeds that Europe or North America do. A pity because when running multiple accounts it seems that things simply aren't working at times.
Okay the "previous interface" is available, for now. And while the "New Interface(Beta)" is still in Beta, why do they default to it. I guess with the enforced changes and updates of other popular sites such as Facebook. But possibly the most annoying thing for me at this time... the horizontal scroll! I've always hated it, always will! Okay so it overlaps just slightly, I still need to scroll to confirm the average position of the ads.
Google please offer those of us that have poor connections to view the older versions of these services. Yes, I know that we may even be missing out on some functionality, but at the end of the day I'd rather have limited functionality than none at all.
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